Friday 2 November 2012

We haven't written in a while, but we have been very busy.  Mom and Dad have wormed us once (that kept us busy for an entire day) and they are going to worm us again tomorrow.  We thought we had better write today before we have yard duty (get it?)  We are now eating three times a day, and our Vizsla Mom, Windy, is still feeding us a couple times a day too.  Mom is watching us pretty close to see who is getting fat and who isn't.  The less fat guys get to eat on Mom more often.  Us fat guys wonder if that is really fair.  What do you think?  Mom is also training us.  She won't put our food dish in the whelping box until we are all sitting.  We've all learned to sit now, but not necessarily at the same time.  When Mom puts the dish in the whelping box, we all get up at the same time and somehow one of us seems to get stuck under the dish.  We haven't figured out how to remedy that yet.  We've had our toenails trimmed three times now.  We will get our toenails done again tomorrow. We hope we will be able to go outside tomorrow, if the rain will ever stop for long enough.  We really like to run around out there.  I hope you like our picture. Notice Mr. Orange is sitting but just had to put his two front feet on the fence.  We think that is cheating. We tried hard to look at the camera.  This picture had more of us looking than any other.  We will post more pictures as time allows.  Hope you like us writing to you.  Give us a message and let us know.  Many licks,  Windy Puppy Group


  1. Love the update from the 'puppy point of view!'☺

  2. Thank you for writing to are growing up so fast!

    We can't wait to meet you! :-)
