Sunday 30 December 2012

Dunantul's Grand Finale (Nike)

 Hi Pups and Friends:  I just wanted to show you part of my yard where I like to play.  I spend lots of time listening to new noises like airplanes, tractors, chainsaws, leaf blowers, cars and people.  I don't bark, I just listen.  Mom likes that.  My Mom barks sometimes.  She thinks she needs to let everyone know if someone is on the road.  It's really nice outside...sunny, but a bit cold.  Mom and I play outside sometimes.  We play inside too...until mom tells us to "settle".
Here I am listening to my mom Windy bark at a lady walking on the road.  My human mom usually tells her "no bark" or "quiet."  I just listen and watch a lot.  I am growing fast now.  I know how to sit and stay now.  This helps my human mom feed me without spilling my food all over the floor because I put my feet in it.  I can't do that when I'm sitting.
I also go to Puppy Romper Room.  My next class is the first Monday in January.  I will try to learn to play with other funny looking dogs of all sizes.  I'm leaning my "down." now.

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